Igreja do Sétimo Dia - Movimento do Advento



Portanto, quer comais quer bebais, ou façais outra qualquer coisa, fazei tudo para glória de Deus. 1 Coríntios 10:31

Publicado em 27/04/2015 - 4795 visitas - 67 Comentários

Muitas pessoas temem o vegetarianismo porque acreditam que não podem viver sem a carne. Acreditam que sem ela faltará nutrientes para o corpo e poderá até ocasionar doenças.  

Mas será que realmente precisamos da carne para ser saudáveis?

Será possível sobrevivermos sem ela?

Sim! É tão possível que o novo guia alimentar brasileiro divulgado pelo ministério da saúde não considera a carne como essencial para a saúde humana, referindo-se aqui a todo tipo de carne: vaca, frango, porco, peixes e etc.

No entanto quando decidimos nos abster de determinados alimentos é imprescindível que se tenha maior atenção na escolha e combinação dos demais alimentos para que se tenha refeições saudável. Porque é bem verdade que se deixar de comer a carne, porém não fizer refeições saudáveis e completas, a tentativa de deixar a carne para ter mais saúde, pode ser um “tiro que sairá pela culatra”.

A proteína presente nas carnes é uma das principais alegações daqueles que defendem que não podemos viver sem este alimento, no entanto as proteínas essenciais aos seres humanos podem ser obtidas facilmente através dos alimentos de origem vegetal.

Citemos aqui alguns exemplos de fontes de proteínas que podem substituir (nutricionalmente) as carnes:

  1. Arroz integral: O arroz, um alimento bastante tradicional no prato dos brasileiros, porém na versão refinada. Apenas o fato de trocar o “arroz branco” pelo integral, já terá uma boa fonte de proteínas, cerca de 2,5%. Porém o arroz integral mesmo sendo ótima fonte de proteína, ele sozinho não estará na versão completa que o ser humano precisa, por isso é indicado que seja consumido combinado com grãos como ervilhasfeijõeslentilhasgrão-de-bico, que também são alimentos ricos em proteínas e que combinados ao arroz oferecerão ao organismo todos os aminoácidos essenciais necessários.
  2. Cogumelos: Existe uma variedade deles (shitake, shimeji, funghi, champignon…) e atualmente estão cada vez mais acessíveis a população. 100 gramas de cogumelos já prontos para o consumo tem a mesma quantidade de proteínas que 100 gramas de carne vermelha.
  3. Brotos: Brotos tais como os de girassol, feijão, alfafa são riquíssimos em proteínas. Por ser um alimento jovem e cheio de energia, cai muito bem em qualquer tipo de dieta. Além das proteínas também são ricos em vitaminas do complexo B e magnésio.
  4. Sementes: as sementes ajudam a incluir proteínas nas dietas vegetarianas. Podemos citar várias delas, tais como: semente de abobora, girassol, pistache, amêndoas, chia… Muitas destas além de proteínas são também fonte de ômega-3. Uma vez que uma das maiores fontes de ômega-3 são os peixes, para os vegetarianos, o consumo de sementes também são substitutos deste nutriente. Vale ressaltar que se deve fugir do consumo de sementes industrializadas e cheias de sal, já que neste formato poderão trazer prejuízos a saúde.
  5. Folhas verdes escuras: Os nutrientes das folhas verdes escuras ajudam na absorção das proteínas advindas de outros alimentos e também são ricas em ferro. Seria muito importante ter folhas verdes em todas as refeições.
  6. Coco: Conhecido como carne branca, o coco é uma ótima fonte de proteínas. Alimento completo, é excelente substituto de carne, queijos, ovos e leite, aos quais é superior. Rico em proteínas, gorduras, sais, hidratos de carbono e vitaminas A, B1, B2, B5 e C. É preferível que seja ingerido sempre in-natura ou como “leite”.

É importante lembrar que a carne nunca deve ser substituída por um único alimento, é a variedade na alimentação e a combinação de vários deles que dará a substituição adequada. Sempre que possível é importante consultar um profissional da área especializado em nutrição vegetariana para que ele possa orientar a cada pessoa quanto as substituições levando em consideração as particularidade de cada individuo.

Escolher abster-se de alimentos prejudiciais e buscar alimentações naturais e equilibradas não é algo que favorecerá apenas o corpo e a saúde física, mas refletirá também na saúde mental e espiritual. É plano de Deus que seus filhos vivam cada vez mais próximo de Seu ideal.

Portanto, quer comais quer bebais, ou façais outra qualquer coisa, fazei tudo para glória de Deus. 1 Coríntios 10:31

Fonte: Renata Palombo
Psicóloga, especializada em Psicologia Hospitalar e Doula


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Comentado em 26/07/2022 às 03:44:53


https://talkinvesting.com.au/topic/official-website-of-house-of-pokies-casino/ There are many different payment methods available when playing at the House of Pokies Casino including Visa Mastercard American Express Maestro Solo Card Debit Card Bitcoin Wire Transfer PayPal Cash One of the main advantages of House of Pokies Casino is a reliable system for protecting personal and payment data of players. The security system is under constant development, and it is constantly being improved so that it can be used safely and effectively. We have already provided you with a very good House of Pokies Casino review but now it is time to show you some more details about the brand. In this article, we will let you know about every aspect of the site in detail, as we will also provide tables with lots of info. In the end, we will finish our article with some reviews from customers that we have found on the internet We have implemented a number of measures to protect players' personal data and payment information:

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 13:50:58


http://talkglobalpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=25884&sid=b1bb0b60a7164ce8eaad1f759473816d Another advantage is that they offer 24/7 customer support which means that you can get help whenever you need it! This will save you time and money because you won't have to wait around for someone else to answer your questions before being able to play again yourself! If you have any questions about what games or features are available, then there is a customer support team available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week who are ready to answer any questions that you might have. No matter where you live in the world, this casino has an office located there as well so that they can help customers from all over the world enjoy their favorite games without any problems whatsoever. You'll be pleased to know that high rollers are welcome at this casino as well as anyone else who wants to join in on some great promotions and offers!" -House of Pokies Casino offers bonuses and promotions that are designed to help you get the most out of your gaming experience

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 13:07:23


https://talkinvesting.com.au/topic/official-website-of-house-of-pokies-casino/ One of the main advantages of House of Pokies Casino is a reliable system for protecting personal and payment data. The website provides excellent customer support, which ensures that you always get the answers to your questions. The first thing that you will notice when starting to play on this site is how easy it is to navigate through all the different games available. The interface is very clean and simple which makes everything easy to find and understand without any issues whatsoever (just like most other sites these days). The name of the site is House of Pokies Casino. The site has been around since 2012 and it is still going strong. The owners of the site take their job very seriously and they make sure that everything on the website is top notch.

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 11:16:48


http://tatooinebase.com.au/forum/showthread.php?tid=3329 3. You can earn more points when you play games in the casino section like slots, video poker, roulette and blackjack. You'll be pleased to know that high rollers are welcome at this casino as well as anyone else who wants to join in on some great promotions and offers!" First off, you will be able to play all of the games that you want in one place. If you have played at other online casinos before, then you know how frustrating it can be when you have to log into multiple sites just to play your favorite game. Another advantage of having an account at this casino is that it comes with free bonuses for new players who sign up for an account here first time around! This means that if someone happens upon this site while looking for a new place to play online slots, then they will automatically get $5 free credit added onto their account when they sign up here first time around! It's very easy to do!

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 10:08:22


http://tatooinebase.com.au/forum/showthread.php?tid=3329 There are many advantages to having a house of pokies casino account. First and foremost is the fact that it will allow you access to all of our games, including slots, video poker, blackjack, roulette, baccarat and more. - Click on ???Register??? on the right side of the page -House of Pokies has an extensive range of games like slots and blackjack. You can also play video poker or roulette. 3. You can access your account from any device or computer in the world.

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 09:23:29


https://rtoleadership.com.au/forums/topic/how-do-i-register-at-the-house-of-pokies-casino/ 5. We have a 24/7 customer support team available at all times so if you ever have any questions or concerns about anything related to your House of Pokies account then feel free to contact our customer service department anytime through email or phone call! -You can play all the online games that you want, including slots, poker and roulette. After that, you'll need to confirm your account by answering some security questions. You will then receive a confirmation link where you must click on it in order for us to verify that everything is ok with your account. 2. Fill in all necessary fields and click on "Submit".

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 08:32:34


https://artscommunity.com.au/forums/topic/house-of-pokies-casino-review-in-australia/ We are going to talk about House of Pokies Casino, a great site where you can find thousands of free games and win real cash. One of the main advantages of House of Pokies Casino is a reliable system for protecting personal and payment data of players. The casino uses advanced encryption technologies to keep your personal information safe from hackers, making it virtually impossible to steal your identity or credit card numbers. The website provides excellent customer support, which ensures that you always get the answers to your questions. The site uses HTML5 technology, which means that there are no download files or extra software requirements. This makes it easy for players to get started on their games right away.

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 07:41:31


https://talkinvesting.com.au/topic/official-website-of-house-of-pokies-casino/ [Company name] is an online casino that offers over 200+ different games such as poker, blackjack, roulette and more. You can play these games using your mobile device or desktop computer. The site uses high-quality graphics and sound effects to make sure that every game is enjoyable for everyone. Their software is compatible with all devices like smartphones, tablets and computers. You can download their software from their website or download it directly from iTunes App Store or Google Play Store (Android). -Your account information is stored in an encrypted database, so you don't have to worry about hackers stealing your credit card details or PIN code from anywhere in the world! -Signed certificate ??“ prevents unauthorized access to your account The House of Pokies Casino is a casino that you can play at anytime, anywhere. It is not just a site that offers slots, but it has all kinds of games such as Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat and more. This casino also offers live dealers so you can play with them or even invite your friends to join in on the fun!

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 06:04:17


https://artscommunity.com.au/forums/topic/house-of-pokies-casino-review-in-australia/ Pokies Casino is a very reputable site that is surely worth your time. We have already provided you with a very good House of Pokies Casino review but now it is time to show you some more details about the brand. In this article, we will let you know about every aspect of the site in detail, as we will also provide tables with lots of info. In the end, we will finish our article with some reviews from customers that we have found on the internet. The main advantage of House of Pokies Casino is a reliable system for protecting personal and payment data of players. One of the main advantages of House of Pokies Casino is a reliable system for protecting personal and payment data of players. The casino uses advanced encryption technologies to keep your personal information safe from hackers, making it virtually impossible to steal your identity or credit card numbers. -Your account information is stored in an encrypted database, so you don't have to worry about hackers stealing your credit card details or PIN code from anywhere in the world!

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 05:45:27


https://talkinvesting.com.au/topic/official-website-of-house-of-pokies-casino/ To start playing on House of Pokies Casino, all you need is an account which should be open for 24 hours so that you can deposit money into your account and start playing right away! You will get paid even if you lose your bet because House of Pokies Casino has an amazing payout system which pays out up to 200% every day! One of the main advantages of House of Pokies Casino is a reliable system for protecting personal and payment data. All deposits, cashouts, and withdrawals are fully encrypted using 256-bit SSL technology, a secure socket layer (SSL) code that encrypts information sent between your computer and the casino??™s servers. This means that all personal information is protected from being read by third parties while it is being transmitted. One of the main advantages of House of Pokies Casino is a reliable system for protecting personal and payment data of players. This is done by using an encrypted connection between the server and the application. The database is protected from unauthorized access by means of a password and encryption algorithms. s soon as you enter the site, you will see that the design is quite simple and clean. The site uses bright colors and makes it easy for anyone to use it. You can choose between different themes according to your preferences and needs. The design is very friendly and easy on eyes.

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 03:56:16


http://talkglobalpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=25884&sid=b1bb0b60a7164ce8eaad1f759473816d -Play any casino game Casino is a place that you can enjoy the gambling. It provides you with a lot of benefits and advantages. There are many benefits that come with having a casino account. The first benefit is that you can play in any casino you want with your casino account. You can access all the casinos that are available in your area at any time of the day. Another benefit is that you do not need to deposit money to get started on your casino experience because all your needs will be taken care of by the casino itself. The last benefit is that you will get free spins when playing at certain casinos, including the house of pokies casino account. Welcome to the House of Pokies Casino! - Fast Cashouts ??“ You don??™t even have to leave your home or office because all your winnings are deposited directly into your account.

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 03:01:17


https://talkinvesting.com.au/topic/official-website-of-house-of-pokies-casino/ [Company name] is an online casino that offers over 200+ different games such as poker, blackjack, roulette and more. You can play these games using your mobile device or desktop computer. The site uses high-quality graphics and sound effects to make sure that every game is enjoyable for everyone. Their software is compatible with all devices like smartphones, tablets and computers. You can download their software from their website or download it directly from iTunes App Store or Google Play Store (Android). It's time to take a look at the House of Pokies casino, and see what all the hype is about. If you're thinking about joining, this article will help you make up your mind. Before we get started though, let's take a look at what House of Pokies has to offer. The best part about this casino is that they have tons of different games to choose from including slots, video poker and blackjack games! There are also plenty of different themes for every type of player out there! Pokies Casino is a very reputable site that is surely worth your time. We have already provided you with a very good House of Pokies Casino review but now it is time to show you some more details about the brand. In this article, we will let you know about every aspect of the site in detail, as we will also provide tables with lots of info. In the end, we will finish our article with some reviews from customers that we have found on the internet.

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 02:23:30


http://tatooinebase.com.au/forum/showthread.php?tid=3329 -Get more free chips every day 3. No withdrawal limits 4. You can get a free welcome bonus But another benefit is that it will give you access to all of our promotions and bonuses! You can earn up to 100% cash back on your first deposit if you sign up for the loyalty program. We also offer a range of other promotions such as cash back on your second deposit, free spins and more.

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 02:05:25


https://talkinvesting.com.au/topic/official-website-of-house-of-pokies-casino/ One of the main advantages of House of Pokies Casino is a reliable system for protecting personal and payment data of players. The platform uses advanced technologies, including the latest encryption algorithms to ensure the security of all personal information. The name of the site is House of Pokies Casino. The site has been around since 2012 and it is still going strong. The owners of the site take their job very seriously and they make sure that everything on the website is top notch. - The way customers can get started playing; The best part about this casino is that they have tons of different games to choose from including slots, video poker and blackjack games! There are also plenty of different themes for every type of player out there!

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 00:50:37


https://familyfoodco-op.com.au/forums/topic/mobile-version-of-the-website-house-of-pokies-casino/ The site is listed as a reliable institution with attractive bonuses for registration. Online House of Pokies Casino is a slot machine and slots casino that offers players a wide range of entertainment. You will have the opportunity to significantly improve your financial situation by playing slot machines and slots for real money. The site is listed as a reliable institution with attractive bonuses for registration. It's the perfect way to get in on the action and keep up with your friends in real time. Just download the app, choose your favorite pokie, and start playing! Introducing the mobile version of House of Pokies Casino!

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 00:32:15


https://artscommunity.com.au/forums/topic/house-of-pokies-casino-review-in-australia/ House of Pokies Casino is a casino that was founded in 2012 and it has been gaining popularity ever since. The casino is located in the United Kingdom and it offers players a great range of games from different categories. With House of Pokies Casino you can feel safe when playing. Our servers use encrypted protocols and are secured by an advanced firewall to ensure that your personal data remains secure at all times. The site offers more than 100 slots, 5 roulette tables and 3 blackjack tables. In addition to these, there are also several other games that you can play like poker and baccarat. Some people might say that House of Pokies Casino is not very original because they have copied some other sites but we believe that this casino has its own features which makes it stand out from the rest of them. Pokies has been around since the 1980s and is one of the most popular online casinos today. The site is owned by Aristocrat Technologies, which is a well-known company in the gaming industry.

Comentado em 23/07/2022 às 00:13:49


https://kysa.com.au/Kysa-Community/black-dog-ride-forum/slot-machines-house-of-pokies-casino-for-lovers-of-excitement/ The site is licensed in New Zealand so all their games are fair & regulated by law. The company has been around since 1996 and has been operating since 2000 when they started offering online gambling services. They offer an extensive list of games that are available at any time during the day or night depending on your time zone. Additionally, the site has an excellent selection of slots and other games that are sure to please even seasoned players who are looking for something new or unusual every now and then to experience something different without having too much trouble finding what they want either way! - The site's name and what it stands for; In this article, we will be talking about:

Comentado em 22/07/2022 às 23:37:53


http://talkglobalpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=25884&sid=b1bb0b60a7164ce8eaad1f759473816d -You will also get more free credits and bonuses. 1. You are able to play the games from anywhere you like, even if you are not at home. - You can play at any time of day, and even while you're on vacation. -Promotion of new games

Comentado em 22/07/2022 às 23:01:29


http://tatooinebase.com.au/forum/showthread.php?tid=3329 1. You can play games with the casino??™s enthusiasts As well as this, we have a variety of different payment options including Visa and MasterCard credit cards, Skrill payment methods and many others. With this in mind there are no limits on what you can deposit into your account. - It's easy to get started, with no credit card required. Another advantage is that they offer 24/7 customer support which means that you can get help whenever you need it! This will save you time and money because you won't have to wait around for someone else to answer your questions before being able to play again yourself!

Comentado em 22/07/2022 às 22:24:26


https://connetica.com.au/forums/topic/catalog-of-slot-machines-house-of-pokies-casino/ Pokies has been around since the 1980s and is one of the most popular online casinos today. The site is owned by Aristocrat Technologies, which is a well-known company in the gaming industry. The name of the site is House of Pokies Casino. The site has been around since 2012 and it is still going strong. The owners of the site take their job very seriously and they make sure that everything on the website is top notch. The site itself is very easy to use, even for beginners. It also has a lot of features such as bonuses and jackpots that make it even more interesting. The website offers a lot of different platforms such as Android and iOS apps; these allow you to play anywhere you want at any time. Players can choose between different languages when playing on pokiescasino.com. This includes English, German, French and Dutch but we recommend that you also try some other languages like Spanish or Italian because they are also very good options!

Comentado em 22/07/2022 às 20:51:50



Comentado em 11/07/2022 às 18:05:58



Comentado em 11/07/2022 às 10:50:45



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Comentado em 29/11/2021 às 07:43:57

Igreja do Sétimo Dia - Movimento do Advento